Albuquerque, NM 2013

Albuquerque, NM 2013

Leaving Santa Fe having enjoyed the scenery little did I know that greater vistas were just ahead in Albuquerque?  Before I could jump right in I had to get settled and write about the prior stop.  It was Tuesday evening before I would find a place to call home here.  Thanks to First Baptist Church of Rio Rancho.

Wednesday evening and Thursday I went looking for places to focus on sharing the gospel. So it was Downtown proper from about 4:30 to 9pm. talking one on one with some who did not believe and with others who believed we discussed the importance of following the Lord in our daily lives.  All in all it was a great evening so that the few contentious remarks quickly faded away. Praise God!

Then on Friday, I went to the foothills of the Sandia Mountains, stood on a rock and preached the gospel in a small park along the scenic trail route.  When I decided to do this I took my camera to make a video.  The reason I did this was so I could review to learn what I need to improve on and second so you may see how the Lord is growing me in the Faith.  Well I set the camera down hoping it was right and by the time I stood up on the rock I was a little shaken as you may notice in the first couple minutes but after that it was on.  Check it out here:

It was such a blessing to me and of the few people who gathered no one left while I spoke. Later when I viewed the video I found that it stopped recording because the battery went out so that is why the closing plea is not complete and it did not capture the comments of those who spoke to me afterwards. I did learn a couple things from this.  Though the audience was below me as I was on an incline standing on a rock I think that I looked toward the camera too much.  Secondly I think God has given me a passion that comes across well with hearers at least for that time.  I must admit this was easier to do here before a few people as opposed to doing so in a bustling urban setting.  But all things are possible with God and even if I’m by myself I believe God is going to grant the boldness that I may do this soon in a bustling urban setting.  Please continue praying for me in this regard because your prayers have already been answered in so many ways along this Journey to date.

Saturday was a day of making rounds to stop here and there responding to those who were taken by the Cross and the graphics on the truck.  While at Panera I met some dear friends who love the Lord.  We had a great time of fellowship encouraging one another and they invited me to go with them to Sunday service.  Meet Daniel, Andrew and Shannon.

Meet Daniel, Andrew and Shannon

Meet Daniel, Andrew and Shannon Thanks it was great meeting you this side of eternity! Agape

Sunday morning I went to meet my new friends for the early service at Sagebrush Community Church Riverside Campus.  The Worship was sweet, the message strong and it was great to see my friends on more time this side of eternity.  Afterwards, I made ready and went for a Sunday drive.  Around, up, up and up the ram went until the heights of more than 10, 000 feet were reached! There on the Sandia Crest I stood looking out over thousands of square miles of God’s creation.  Awe inspiring yes along with which came the realization of me being very tiny.  But in that moment came security by way of realizing that the Greatness of God who created all things and who holds all things together is the One who thought so much of tiny little me and all the tiny people of the world, that He came to be like one of us with the express purpose to go the way of the Cross, to be crucified by tiny evil men and even more to be crushed by His own fierce, holy wrath as payment for sin!  Hallelujah!  O’ God who am I that You are mindful of me?  What Love is this that You laid down your life for me?  I could no longer stand but to my knees, with hands lifted and I praised Him who died for me and rose again! Hallelujah!


My soul longs, yes, even faints

My soul longs, yes, even faints
For the courts of the LORD;
My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. (Ps 84:2)

So at the heights I praised and prayed to the Lord my God! Then I was blessed to go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is Lord!

One young man I met was from Norway and he was pleased to hear the gospel.  Later, I met a Pager and Jenny from Santa Fe who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  We had a great time of fellowship and prayer on the heights! (17 degrees and high winds could not prevail against the praises of God’s people)


Meet Pager and Jenny from Santa Fe who I met on The Sandia Crest! We had a great time of fellowship and prayer on the heights! (17 degrees and high winds could not prevail against the praises of God’s people)

Meet Pager and Jenny from Santa Fe who I met on The Sandia Crest! We had a great time of fellowship and prayer on the heights! (17 degrees and high winds could not prevail against the praises of God’s people)


My time in Albuquerque seemed to go fast and my experiences in the State of New Mexico have been enriched.  As I get further away from my hometown family and friends the Lord has so graciously provided.  This week as in others past I have connected with more of my family in the Lord and instead of saying goodbye I say; “God Bless You until I may see you all again”.  Amen

Until next week God willing, I will write you about the week of the crucifixion and the resurrection 2013.  The week has already begun in Las Cruces, NM.

Agape, David Banton